Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ken Davis

The man at the bottom left of the picture above is Ken Davis. (I haven't seen him in years. He could have a lime green mohawk by now). He was one of my teachers at animation school and he was easily one of the most talented and knowledgable instructors in the entire animation industry. All those of you out there who have ever had the pleasure of either working with him in a studio or being taught by him at a school can feel free to post a comment about him right here.


  1. Ken's posts on AWN forum is always the best reading you could ask for.

  2. Hey there, cool post. What animation school did you go to?

  3. At the time I was going it was called Scetch but soon afterwards the name changed to Redhouse.

  4. That's cool. I see that you have Sean Bartlett in your links -- he went there too, right? I work with him at a place now. He's a darn good animator.

    Cool blog, keep it up!

  5. Yep. Sean graduated one year after me. Although he should have been in the same year with me instead of ANOTHER person. But I won't get into that here in cyberspace. But, you said that you work with him now. Ask him about that yourself.

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  7. i,m also a fan of ken .i always read his writings and its worth a million.
    sue ,Tallahassee

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