Thursday, August 22, 2024

Cleaner kitten animation for an upcoming video I'm making


The animation for my video is coming along nicely, I'd say.  Remember the kitten animation from my previous blog post?  Well, this is a further cleaned up version of it.  What do you think?

I'd also like to point out that having a kid is quite a time consuming thing.  When my son was still a tiny baby, he could just in his crib or wherever he was comfortable and either just sleep or play.  This gave me some time to dedicate to this video of mine.  However, now he can walk around and get into things.  So, he needs so much more attention now, especially since my wife's maternity leave has ended.  This, as you can imagine, has pretty much reduced the production process to a small trickle.  I'm not sure when this will be done, possibly when my son starts kindergarten.  

But, at any rate, I look forward to the finished product and the reaction it will get.