That's what this magnum opus is being called. It makes its debut on the Lifetime Network next Saturday on January 25 at 8pm/7pm Central Time. If you're not in either of those time zones, you'll have to do that math and find out the time for yourself. The poster and the trailer is making it look like a campy slasher movie for some odd reason. After being on that set for more than a few scenes, I can tell you that it is not like that at all. "What is it then?" you ask. You'll have to tune in and see for yourself, smart guy.
Last summer, I made a post on this very blog about me being a background extra in it. Here are some of the costumes I got to wear:
The other time the camera was on me, I was behind two ladies commenting on how small and frail Lizzie was. I know for certain that I was on camera because director Nick Gomez scolded me and the guy beside me and told us to tone down our hammy performances. For the record, I knew my performance was too much as I was doing it. But, since the cameras were already rolling, there was nothing I could do but play it out and wait for the director to inevitably call for Take 2 which he did. So it was all good.
Oh yeah, I also remember that stupid collar digging into my neck. I think I got a rash from it too.
I wore this ensemble when we shot in Lunenberg. Here I played the part of a "church-goer". That's right, kids, I went to church and got paid for it.
It was here that I did a scene inwhich I almost bumped into Christina Ricci and could possibly have ruined the scene. My part was to be someone who had just left the church with everyone else and was now standing on the sidewalk somewhat behind the entire Borden family while I talked to two other gentlemen about that day's sermon. After the director yelled "action" I had to tip my hat goodday to those gentlemen and then walk behind the Borden family as they walk off to the left. But, on one of those takes, either I turned and walked too soon or the Bordens started walking too late. Either way, when I turned around almost bumped right into all of them. If I hadn't been paying attention, that whole scene could have turned into a mosh pit. That might have been fun but I don't think it quite suited the tone the director was trying to achieve. Oh well, no harm done.
I do also remember a couple of very horny horses that almost caused some chaos too. I also don't think horse-porn would have suited the movie's motif as well.
I wore this in a few scenes where I was one of a crowd of people outside the Borden household trying to peek inside. I was also somebody lined up on the side of the street as the coffins of both Mr. and Mrs. Borden travelled passed as well as a despondent Lizzie and Emma Borden.

Oh whoops! I just gave away the surprise "real truth" ending. DOH! I had to sign a paper about
not revealing that to anyone too. Oh well, I guess Nick Gomez will have to make a last minute change before the big broadcast on Saturday. I'm sure he can do it. Then we can all find out what great ending he has for us. It's too bad. All the fighting off the alien scenes were amazing, even before all the CGI and AfterEffects were added. Oh well, maybe that will be a included on special DVD or Blueray release or something.
Remember, that's Saturday, January 25, 2014 at 8pm / 7pm Central on the Lifetime Network. Be there!