Just a bit of airplane animation I did for my upcoming video. I still have tons of work to do on it. I can't wait until it's done and I can finally show everybody.
My art and anything else I like.
Just a bit of airplane animation I did for my upcoming video. I still have tons of work to do on it. I can't wait until it's done and I can finally show everybody.
A birthday present I bought for myself last June was the All in the Family box set. It's got all nine glorious and hilarious seasons. At this point I'm just about finished season 7. I'll be moving on to season 8 and 9 very soon.
Anyway, like I said, I'm often called upon to keep my son Avery entertained whilst mom is busy with work and other things. While entertaining him, he has come to glance at the antics of the Bunker household now and again. He of course understands absolutely nothing of what he sees, but it does turn his head at times. He definitely notices when Archie starts yelling. He certainly can't understand what Archie says when he yells and he most certainly can't understand to context of what Archie is yelling and who he's yelling at. All he sees is a crazed and angry old man.
You'd think that my son would be saddened or even somewhat traumatized by seeing such vitriol being spouted like that. But no, that's not how he reacts at all. He has instead taken one of the small mallets used on his toy xylophone, walk over to the TV and hit Archie right on the head with it. It wasn't a hard hit that could wreck the TV thankfully. It was just a tap big enough to express how he felt about Mr Bunker's bellowing. I have made a quick drawing commemorating that very action:
He's only done that once, but for me it was quite memorable.
Anyway, I do plan to keep working my way through the seasons any time I can. I'll end this post with a song that I've been hearing so many times in the past few months as you can imagine. It's stuck in my head so now I'm getting it stuck in yours. Enjoy!
The animation for my video is coming along nicely, I'd say. Remember the kitten animation from my previous blog post? Well, this is a further cleaned up version of it. What do you think?
I'd also like to point out that having a kid is quite a time consuming thing. When my son was still a tiny baby, he could just in his crib or wherever he was comfortable and either just sleep or play. This gave me some time to dedicate to this video of mine. However, now he can walk around and get into things. So, he needs so much more attention now, especially since my wife's maternity leave has ended. This, as you can imagine, has pretty much reduced the production process to a small trickle. I'm not sure when this will be done, possibly when my son starts kindergarten.
But, at any rate, I look forward to the finished product and the reaction it will get.
Many of you younger millenials and all of Gen Z have only known boomers as these creaky old curmudgeons. But, those of us in Gen X witnessed the boomers when they started aging and, believe me, it was pathetic. Practically the moment the first boomer turned 30, age is all they would talk about. "Oh my God! I'm 30 now! What am I going to do??", is something we heard from them all of the time. There was even a prime time drama dedicated to placating these people:
That is a real show. It was a drama series with a highly depressive tone that was just 54 minutes of people trying their darndest to cope with the despondency of...................... being more than 30. I'm so proud of my generation for not getting like this. Millenials are in their 30's and 40's and they haven't said much about their aging either. We're watching Gen Z though. They could create shows on Netflix/Hulu?TikTok all about being "triggered over becoming old and cringe". Here's hoping that can be avoided.
OK! That's all about aging I'm going to talk about in this post and anywhere else. I'd like to spend the rest of this time talking about someone who everyone should be talking about more.
A man named Jose Rizal! He is a great man who made the ultimate sacrifice and started his home country of the Philippines on a path to freedom. It all started by him simply writing a book.
This was all very much a way of life for the Philippines when Jose Rizal was born in 1861. He went to school just like every other kid at the time. However, his grades were so exceptionally high that he was granted the opportunity to attend university in Madrid, Spain. Living outside of his island country of origin gave Rizal a much broader perspective. He recollected all of the Catholic missions in the Phillipines run by the Spanish. Upon reflection, he could see just how restrictive and even abusive they were. This inspired him to write a book about his experiences with these missions: Noli Me Tángere (Touch Me Not)
You can pretty much guess how both the Spanish Government and the Vatican felt about Rizal's work. They weren't just mad because of the words he published, they were absolutely seething moreso because his book had sparked a revolt among the Phillipine populous. The United States then intervened on the Philippines' behalf and they were soon liberated from the iron fist rule of Spain.
Sadly, before that liberation could happen, by order of both the Spanish government and the Vatican, Rizal was executed by a firing squad on December 30, 1896. Still to this day in the Philippines, December 30th is a national holiday.
Someone being killed by two authoritarian institutions for the "crime" of expressing oneself is definitely someone who belongs among the pantheon of free speech heroes, much like other people we know:
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So, in that spirit, attempted drawing a picture of Mr. Rizal.
This is my first and only crack at it so far. Not the best nor the worst picture I've ever drawn, but I think it looks fine nonetheless. Leave your opinions in the comments below. My bigger point is that more people should be drawing pictures of him and celebrating him. But, more than that, we should all stay vigilant that no place on Earth slides into the kind of dystopian nightmare scenario that lead to the execution of people like Rizal ever again.
With that, I leave it there and thank you and one last happy belated birthday to me.