This year, the Montreal Comic Con is happening from September 17 - 18 at the Place Bonaventure in beautiful down town Montreal. I definitely know how beautiful the scenery is in down town Montreal. I was stuck in traffic there for about 2 hours one time. What else can you do in that time but look at the scenery? (All while hoping you're in the right lane the whole time). Anyway, about the convention, this year promises to be just as much fun or even more fun than last year. There are some big time celebrities in attendance. No doubt their meet 'n' greet sessions will be amazing. Here's just a small sampling of the whole line up:

Stan Lee - Yep, the man who reinvented comic books himself. I'm certain that most of the people reading this right now don't need to be told that Mr. Lee is an accomplished writer, editor, publisher, and a long time president of Marvel comics who developed such insanely popular charcters as Spiderman, the Incredible Hulk, the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Thor, Iron Man, Daredevil, and Dr. Strange and along with all these characters created Marvel's own distinct universe. So, there's no need to tell you all of that. All that needs to be said is that he will be at the Montreal Comic Con this year giving a talk, greeting his fans, and healing the lepers (oh, whoops, wrong messiah).

Adam West and Burt Ward - Holy Poutine!! Are those two really going to be in Montreal together?? Yes they are. There's also going to be a replica of the original Bat Mobile on display. I haven't heard any mention of Yvonne Craig (Bat Girl) showing up or if Bruce Lee's daughter is going to attack Burt Ward and finally get revenge for her father's stalemate with him 45 years ago. But, as it is with any con, there's always surprises.

David Prowse - Yes, the ORIGINAL Darth Vader. He's going to be there greeting fans but hopefully not bringing too many people over to the dark side. Maybe if we all ask him nicely, he'll give us a sperm sample so that we can prove once and for all if Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father or not. The results of this test could change everything.

Michael Dorn - He's the actor who played the nice Klingon on Star Trek the Next Generation. He'll hand out autographs too. ghaH DIchDaq chot lIj wa'DIch bogh puq chugh SoH QeH ghaH tlhej lIj mu'mey!!!!!!! Translate that. You know you want to.

Gil Gerard and Erin Grey - They both starred in Buck Rogers of the

Sergio Aragones - Personally, out of all the people who will be attending this comic con in September, Sergio is the one I am the most excited to

see. His work has had a very huge impact on me and many of the things I try to do. If don't know who he is (and I think you should be shot for not knowing), he is the guy who draws all those little silent (mostly) one panel cartoons in Mad Magazine. Most of the time they're in the margins beside the main articles, but sometimes he gets a few pages all for himself. Truly a great and creative mind. He must run to a nearby farmer's field and rub his head in the manure pile in order to make the ideas in his brain so fertile. Oh, he also makes that long-running comic book Groo.

Jim Starlin - With a career dating as far back as the early 1970's, Starlin revamped Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock, and co-created Thanos, Dreadstar, and Shang Chi - Master of Kung Fu. He'll be there.

Gail Simone - She is a multi-award winning writer of comics and animation. Some of her books include Deadpool, Agent X, Birds of Prey, and Gen13. Right now, she is kept quite busy at DC Comics what with writing for Wonder Woman, Secret Six and The Justice League. But, she graciously took time out of that hectic schedule to talk with her fans in Montreal. Gee, she's swell.

Herb Trimpe - The first guy who ever drew Wolverine. All must bow to his glory.
And that's just to name a small few of the well known actors and artists who will participating in the festivities.
Oh yeah, there's one more person I should mention that will be in attendance..........

Yep! I have secured myself a booth at the Montreal Comic Con with the goal of selling copies

Or, if you're not able to attend this con for any reason, you can still buy my book on Amazon. Now that the postal strike is over in Canada, Amazon should be able to have my book delivered to Canadian residences without much of a problem now (well, no more than usual anyway).
See you ninjas there!!