It's always great when something you've created (like a self-published comic book) is given any attention. Any review, positive or negative can really boost a book's visibility which could lead to more sales. Anyone, anywhere taking an interest in something I've created is always welcome. Although, some come from out of the blue in a corner of the universe I never thought I'd see. This is one of those times. The website where I found the most recent review of my book Censor Monkeys Have No Class is none other than 4chan!!!
Now now! Don't flip out. Yes, I'm well aware that the 4chan website has a "reputation" of sorts. However, as the saying goes, "No Press is Bad Press" so I welcome any and all publicity that crosses my path. So with that in mind, let's go over this 4chan thread together.
I'm not going to post a link to the entire thread simply because the channer posted every page of my book there. If you want to see all of the pages, order the book from Amazon and/or Kindle you Sneaky Peeks. I did however grab some screenshots of the entire thread, but I'll only put up the posts where some text was added. Here we go:
The channer considers it "balls to the wall". Well, hey, I won't argue because that's exactly what it is.
According to the time stamp on this post, I'm guessing that this person purchased my comic at the Saskatoon Fan Expo last year. So, hey....... it looks like there are some 4channers lurking about in Toon Town. Does that frighten you????? *vincent price laughing gif*
He certainly agrees with me about the insidious nature of the Horrible Mother Monkey. That's good!
Somehow, I knew the Not Muhammed Monkey would be a hit there.
Best fucking page ever, eh? I shan't quibble.
"Fucking KEK", he says!
Ok, this might need some explaining for any normies and/or boomers reading this. The term "kek" is from an online video game called World of Warcraft. The internet abbreviation LOL (laughing out loud) is somehow translated into KEK in that video game. Therefore, something is "kek" when it makes you laugh out loud. It becomes "top kek" when it is exceptionally laugh out loud funny. So, now I hope you're caught up.
That is a fun panel.
There he is enjoying that Not Muhammed Monkey again.
There's some more kek for you.
Aaaaaaaaand he comes to the end with a belly full of keks. Of course, these are just the original channer's posts. Let's see what some of the other comments are.
It looks like this person is putting down my book with this comparison, but I'm definitely taking it as a compliment. South Park is easily one of my favourite shows and has indeed been a big influence on what I do and try to do, especially their divine magnum opus: Bigger, Louder, and Uncut

Yes, I will say it, my Horrible Mother Monkey is somewhat based in part on Kyle's Mom (and we all know what she is). This is in no way me "plagiarizing" this great series nor am I trying to steal its thunder. This is me joining them in their fight against censorship and for free expression. They shouldn't be made to do it alone, especially not while languishing within the belly of the beast at Comedy Central which has shown a considerable push to make all of their shows "politically correct" and "intersectional". For free expression to flourish once again, there needs to be as many voices as possible, not just the lone voices of Trey Parker and Matt Stone lifting the entire load. Join me in joining them.
This mensa guru scholar genius is referring to this page of the book:
Yes, that's a man. In fact, that's a caricature of me circa 2012. Is that a difficult concept for some people?
"Sensible Chuckle" indeed. I did design that Scientologist Monkey to look and act like Tom Cruise, because of course he's the very whiney crazy and highly embarrassing poster boy "Messiah" for that questionable religion. I applaud this person's ability to spot the obvious, but I'm also proud of myself because this shows that my caricature skills (especially when transforming a celebrity into a monkey) are on point.
So that is 4chan's assessment of my book. The thread poster gave it "Many KEKs" while others were unsure. However, I would like to point out that the person who enjoyed my book had a physical copy in his possession and read it while the others based their judgement on some blurry photos that saw online. So, the basic bottom line is that it's best to actually read a book in order to fully enjoy it. What a concept. That could catch on.
Hey, anyone else out there that has a physical copy of my book (be it paperback or Kindle), it could be great fun to post your own assessment of it somewhere. It'll generate traffic to your blog, youtube channel, Twitter feed, etc... as well as help generate traffic for me an day books. It's all win-win. Feel free to let me know in the comment section what you've done with my book.