I wanted to include this in my Space Jam 2 post but part way through making that post I decided not to. For one reason, the post getting long as it was. Plus, with that post being so long, my proposal here would've been buried under all of that dialogue. To prevent that from happening, I figured that this bit needs to be showcased in its own blog post. So, here it is.
At one point in that last blog entry, I talked about how Pepe Le Pew was given rather shabby treatment before the movie's release even when just a few short years prior a feature length movie starring Mr. Le Pew was in the works. I'd certainly love to see such a movie someday. However, I have noticed that there is another Looney Tunes character that has not been given his due either and I say it's about time he did. The Tune I'm referring to is:
Foghorn Leghorn |
In so many Looney Tunes projects over the years, Foghorn Leghorn has been shafted time and time again. Anyone who knows that character, even in passing, knows full well that his schtick is to pretty much dominate the scene with his seemingly endless talking. Yet, with so many LT projects being an ensemble containing as many Looney Tunes stars as possible, Foggy barely has time to get a sentence in edgeways. I the first Space Jam, he was given one scene to do his stuff against the Monstars. In Looney Tunes Back In Action, he was a black jack dealer for a short time. Then in Space Jam 2, all he could do was let out one sentence now and again. As a result, his performance feels held back and inhibited, like a race car driver with a V-10 engine stuck behind little old ladies occupying all of the lanes. Foghorn Leghorn needs room to move and fully do his thing I say.
It's not like Foggy would have to carry the entire movie himself either. There are plenty of other characters within his own universe that would be present as well. The most prevalent and obvious regulars that can be used are, in no particular order:
the "Dawg" |
Henery Hawk |
Henery's derpy dad |
Miss Prissy |
Egghead Jr |
Willie Weasel |
There are even some characters that only appeared in the Foghorn Leghorn series once, but that one time was enough to showcase their appeal and could potentially be good for lots of material. Characters such as:
Foggy's old college buddy Rhode Island Red |
That sleepy, whittling, redneck dawg |
That laid back beatnik rooster |
...to name but a few.
Why, yes, I do have a screenplay in mind for a Foghorn Leghorn movie. I've got the basic structure thought out plus some rather key scenes in mind. I even have a whole sequence in mind that I think would be well-suited for Jack Black. I would love nothing better than an opportunity to make this Foggy screenplay a reality in as many theatres and/or streaming accounts as possible. However, I may be no big Hollywood player with all the inside tricks on how the production pipeline works, but I know enough to not put my screenplay in this blog post here. I'll have to provide that through the proper channels whenever I can do so.
Although, lil old me creating a Foghorn Leghorn movie is not the important part. What's most important is that such a movie DOES get made. If anyone reading this post already has connections, abilities and any other crucial attributes that could get a movie green-lit and brought to fruition along with possessing an enthusiasm for Foghorn Leghorn and his schtick, if such a person manages to beat me to the punch by a good mile and get something going, that's great too. All I'd ask of this creative person is, whatever they do, make the movie look like [Foghorn's original creator] Robert McKimson himself has come back to life and has made such a movie at the top of his abilities. Embedded below is little concept poster I whipped up for inspiration. The characters are in no way "on model" nor is this the final design for anything. This is just to give an idea of what the theatre marquee and/or the HBO Max menu graphic could look like if such a movie came to be.

Not one line of dialogue has been written nor has any scribbly storyboard panels been etched, but I'm excited for this movie's release already. Here's hoping we don't have to wait too much longer.