Firstly I will say that I am SO VERY VERY HAPPY WITH THE VERDICT!!! Of course he's not guilty. It should never have been a case in the first place. I'm not going to type out all of the details of the case here because that would make this post way too long for one. Also, really, the whole situation is so inane and stupid that I would feel absolutely nauseous while typing it all out. So, for those of you that need to be informed of this trial, first go to this article: Eight Important Things to Know About Gregory Allen Elliot's Twitter Trial. Read that and then come back here.
See? Pretty ridiculous, right?

Free legal tip: if you have to make stuff up just to get the basic requirements of a conviction, then your case is full of shit! No exceptions! It's stupid, counter-productive, and down right evil to abuse the court system and make attempts to violate a number of free speech laws just to try and win a petty Twitter feud.

Meh, I'm sure I'll think of some other term before this post is done.
Anyway, however you wish to refer to them, many of them posted tweets like this:

Yeah, that's nice. Although really, it's Steph Guthrie's actions that have put women in more danger more-so than Gregory or even 1000 "creepy" Twitter guys ever could. My explanation for this is two-fold:

OOOH!! Did I just "white privilege" her dumb ass? Didn't mean to.

Oh, was that last statement a little too hyperbolic? Well, guess what??!! I also have iron clad evidence that Steph G is a disgusting pedophile. I've posted it below:

If anyone can find any way to debunk this absolutely authentic and damning evidence without even 1% of doubt, I'd like to hear it.
Well, as they say, it's literally all over but the crying now. The verdict is what it is. And just for the fuck of it, here's my depiction of Stephanie Guthrie after the verdict was read:

Like it's been said before elsewhere, both freedom of speech and freedom of expression were put on trial and emerged victorious. What was also firmly established was that under the law, not only can the "right to not be offended" not in any way be enforced, in a truly free society it can't exist.
Also, before I get inundated by various SJW's, censor monkeys, or any other digital fiends from the darkest corners of the internet screeching at me, I would just like to say that no this rant of mine is not putting down all feminism. That would be foolishly throwing the baby out with the bath-water as the saying goes. What I AM saying here is "Hey, feminist parents! Pick up your baby and dump out that disgusting shit-filled bath-water already!!!"
I will now conclude this post with a song by the great (and sadly now late) David Bowie. It's a favourite of mine and I hope it's a favourite of yours too. Take it away, Ziggy! Wham! Bam! Thank you, ma'am!